WORKING PACKAGES Work Unit 1: Current Situation Analysis Action 1.1: Literature review to identify critical parameters Action 1.2: Capture the current state of the supply chain Action 1.3: Documenting the methodologies followed and initial assessment of the topology and architecture of the technologies to be developed Deliverable 1.1: Literature review report focusing on critical measurement parameters in the supply chain (storage & transport) and application characteristics of different disinfestation methodologies Deliverable 1.2: Report on technologies & types of sensors for measuring critical parameters Work Unit 2: Evaluation of the Application of New Insecticidal Active Substances for Surface Spraying in Storage Areas Action 2.1: Evaluation in laboratory trials of insecticidally active substances of low mammalian toxicity for the control of insects Action 2.2: Assessment in laboratory tests of the residual duration of insecticidal active substances of low toxicity in mammals for the treatment of storage insects Deliverable 2.1: Efficacy report of the application by surface spraying of selected insecticidal active substances against insects infesting stored products. The effect of surface type Deliverable 2.2: Evaluation report of the residual effect of selected insecticidal active substances after surface spraying against insects attacking stored products Work Unit 3: Evaluation of nitrogen use in field experiments against storage insects Action 3.1: Application of modified atmospheres (nitrogen) at various levels and assessment of their effectiveness for insect control Action 3.2: Determination of biotic and abiotic parameters affecting nitrogen application Action 3.3: Demonstration presentations with seminar support - online seminars Deliverable 3.1: Nitrogen use efficiency report by specific growth stages and insect species Deliverable 3.2: Evaluation report of factors to optimize nitrogen use Deliverable 3.3: Demonstration presentations with seminar support (workshops) and online seminars (webinars) Deliverable 3.4: Publication of EU3 results in reputable international scientific journals and conferences Work Unit 4: Utilization of phosphine sensors in the context of integrated management of entomological enemies Action 4.1: Collection and processing of data related to the critical parameters in the space and the product, in terms of phosphine applications Action 4.2: Placement and implementation of a network of phosphine sensors in specific areas and products of the company Action 4.3: Record and evaluate the success of phosphine applications in real condition Deliverable 4.1: Technical report that will include the parameters from the use of phosphine on-site Deliverable 4.2: Placement and application of phosphine sensors Deliverable 4.3: Technical report of the insecticidal activity of phosphine on major storage insects, as a function of exposure time, concentration and developmental stage Deliverable 4.4: Build a custom platform to use sensor-based phosphine for DIMITRIAKI SA Deliverable 4.5: Publication of EU5 results in prestigious international scientific journals and conferences |